The Hand of Fatima and Unexpected Miracles: two of our most meaningful, powerful symbols this fall. Let these charms both shield you from negativity and remind you to stay open.
An ancient talisman with roots in Mesopotamia, the Hand of Fatima is worn widely in the Middle East for protection. Important to both Judaism and Islam, it is known as hamesh (Hebrew) and khamsa (Arabic)—both of which translate to “five.” “Hand of Fatima” is the Muslim title for the amulet, referring to the youngest daughter of Mohammad. To the Jews, it is “Hand of Miriam,” referencing the sister of Moses and Aaron. Some Middle Eastern Christians call it “Hand of Mary.”
Regardless of the name it’s known by, the hand is believed to ward off evil—and, with an eye in the center of the palm, it deflects the gaze of the evil eye. The charm is also a strong symbol of femininity, sometimes known as “the woman’s holy hand.” Use the Hand of Fatima to guard yourself against negative energy.
Unexpected Miracles is our newest original charm. When designing it, we envisioned an acorn—the tiny, common nut that houses a seed—growing into an oak. The oak itself is a mighty tree, believed to hold kingly energy and to provide power and grounding to those who seek it. That it grows from a small acorn is, in itself, a kind of miracle. The message of this symbol is: miracles come when (and where) you least expect them. Wear Unexpected Miracles and keep your mind, heart, and soul open.